The Results

The Baby Name Poll was tons of fun! Thanks to all of you who participated. The results of the names chosen for this November baby are....

#1 Lylah       8 votes
#2 Annaliese and Aliza tied with 5 votes each.
Claire, Estella &  Atalaya tied with 2 votes each.

#1 Sawyer    6 votes
#2 Milo         5 votes
#3 Wyatt and Ezra tied with 3 votes each.
Vincent, Oscar, Jett, and Judd all tied with 2 votes each.

Only days away now if not hours... come on Baby R, Mommy really want to hold you.
We have a doc apt. today at 2 o'clock so I will post updates as soon as we get back home and settled in.