39 weeks and 3 days

Yesterday we had our 39 week check up and guess what..... not much progress at all!
Surprise! Once again this kid is to comfy in there. Our next apt. isn't until the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Maybe we will have a Thanksgiving turkey!!! Any day would be perfect with me. No wonder mother's can be push overs when it comes to our kidos. We sit around for 9 to 10 months with no control over what the kid is doing in there, waiting on baby month after month (in the end min. after min.), we don't get to choose what it looks like, what day it will be born, if it's a boy or a girl, etc. We truly accept a tremendous amount of stuff about our children before we ever get to hold them in our arms and share them with everyone around us. No wonder some of us struggle to say NO to so much (I should speak for myself, right?)

So, I am off work now and have enjoyed my three very busy days of maternity leave. However, maternity leave with a baby would make more sense. I know a healthy baby is worth the wait and my Mom reminded me of this yesterday but, come on Baby R, you can't stay in there for ever! People want to met you.
With much patients,