39 weeks and 3 days

Yesterday we had our 39 week check up and guess what..... not much progress at all!
Surprise! Once again this kid is to comfy in there. Our next apt. isn't until the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Maybe we will have a Thanksgiving turkey!!! Any day would be perfect with me. No wonder mother's can be push overs when it comes to our kidos. We sit around for 9 to 10 months with no control over what the kid is doing in there, waiting on baby month after month (in the end min. after min.), we don't get to choose what it looks like, what day it will be born, if it's a boy or a girl, etc. We truly accept a tremendous amount of stuff about our children before we ever get to hold them in our arms and share them with everyone around us. No wonder some of us struggle to say NO to so much (I should speak for myself, right?)

So, I am off work now and have enjoyed my three very busy days of maternity leave. However, maternity leave with a baby would make more sense. I know a healthy baby is worth the wait and my Mom reminded me of this yesterday but, come on Baby R, you can't stay in there for ever! People want to met you.
With much patients,

So Unpredictible

Tomorrow is the 7th of Nov. and Philly thought that we would have a baby in our arms but, Baby R seems to be deciding differently. Everything about pregnancy seems to be so unpredictable.
Our doc. apt. today proved that we are once again making slow progress... but progress is being made. So, I guess that means that the baby isn't going to be stuck in my ginormous tummy forever.

I keep wondering if it would like to be a Thanksgiving baby because it sure passed up it's Halloween Birthday opportunity. Maybe it is waiting for us to knock a few more details off of our to do list. The problem with that to do list is that every time we knock something off we add something in it's place. Why?? Because we are a crazy pregnant couple and the baby's daddy has been nesting right along with me for months now. I am on a cooking craze in this nesting phase. I have been preparing freezer meals for weeks now. Some for the oven and some for the crock pot. I'm hoping this will allow us to spend more time as a family and ease the stress from lack of sleep and adjustment to such a big change.

One day very soon we will have a very special Birthday celebration at Bloomington Hospital. Until then, I am going to enjoy hogging my little one all to myself before I have to share with the rest of world.
Love and Laughter,
Jen and Baby

P.S. 2 more votes for Lylah (making the new total 10) and 2 votes for Oliver.


Everyone that we know thought this baby would have been here by now including me. Philly thinks the birth date will be between the 4th and the 7th. The due date is between the 13th and the18th of November and you know that we have had our bags packs since our Sept. apt.
Today's apt proved that we are making slow progress. So when will Baby R be here? When it decides to drop a bit more... just not quite ready yet. Next apt. is set for Tuesday. I think that it is waiting for it's room to be entirely complete. Pick little perfectionist:) It was the biggest under taking in the entire house. We have spent hours in there trying to make it as perfect as possible. I will try to complete a couple projects and post nursery pictures in the next few days.
Hanging in there,

The Results

The Baby Name Poll was tons of fun! Thanks to all of you who participated. The results of the names chosen for this November baby are....

#1 Lylah       8 votes
#2 Annaliese and Aliza tied with 5 votes each.
Claire, Estella &  Atalaya tied with 2 votes each.

#1 Sawyer    6 votes
#2 Milo         5 votes
#3 Wyatt and Ezra tied with 3 votes each.
Vincent, Oscar, Jett, and Judd all tied with 2 votes each.

Only days away now if not hours... come on Baby R, Mommy really want to hold you.
We have a doc apt. today at 2 o'clock so I will post updates as soon as we get back home and settled in.