Sawyer is now 3 months old as of February 20th.
Having Sawyer in our lives has added a happiness to each of us that radiates for miles around. We thank our lucky stars each and everyday for every blessing that we have been given. Philly and I have truly been blessed time and time again.
Something that runs through my mind over and over again is how different I am having a baby today, at 31, than I was eleven years ago, at 20. Of course there are many reasons for those differences. First, I have already been through it. Those first time jitters are gone. Spit up doesn't bother me any more. How about the first time that you stick your finger in baby poo? Oooo gross! Doesn't bother a bit these days. It washes right off and it doesn't kill you or make your skin melt off.
Also, I have had so much practice with my childcare kids. I have heard what works and doesn't work form other mom's who have been through it already.
Eleven years post first baby, I now know how extremely quick the years go by. I can't exactly slow time down but, I can take the time to enjoy life more.
The little things that are so easily over looked and the joy missed like playing with tissue paper, boxes, wooden spoons, dirt, sand, and wearing daddy's great big shoes, all really get to my heart these days. I did enjoy these things while Ely and Amaya were tiny. But, years gone by, I know now what I have to look forward to.
I will be following my instinct more and taking advice less. Like starting cereal feedings... because it's really ok that we didn't wait until the recommended 4 to 6 month mark. It's no big deal if he doesn't like tummy time or if he is now out growing some of his 6 month clothing already. Sawyer will be just fine. These mile stones are not going to cause destruction if we don't stick to the book.I will work less and play more. On the changing table, play mat, bath tub, at the park, wherever it may be. That's what kids do! Play time is the best time to teach children things we want them to know,things we want them to do, and things we want them to change. So when you see my house a mess, just know that we must have been playing lots lately.
I will be getting up close and personal, holding my baby as much as possible, taking a million pictures, listening for every coo as it becomes a real word. Sawyer stays right with us at all times. No more of that, "Let them cry themselves to sleep because crying is what babies do." I will hold him, rock him, sooth him in any way I can. Crying means something doesn't it?
I will share my baby with others. Babies are rare. That's why people are so crazy about the little things. You see toddlers and school age children often but the baby stage... only one year long...seems almost unfair doesn't it? They are only this little for a brief moment and when it's gone there is NO WAY to get it back. I love seeing other people love my baby.
My friend Lisa
My friend Angelique and her daughter Chloe
Phil's niece Emily, mom, sister Jeanie, and niece Sarah
Grandma Jinner
I will put fun clothing on him that he loves as well. Poor Ely never owned a pair of Bob the Builder shoes or a Monsters Inc. t-shirt...only pajamas (although he wore cowboy boots with basketball shorts quit often.) I was so concerned about him coordinating and looking stylish in the public eye. Bottom line is that it is only a few shorts years he will want name brand clothing and the newest high dollar shoes. I will let Sawyer be little for as long as I can stretch it out.I will be proud of every new accomplishment that he achieves. He may not get there the way that I think he should, or take the route I want him to take but, he isn't me. Sawyer will find his own way.
finally enjoying tummy time
figuring out how to get a hold of those toys hanging above him...
and how to pull the whole bar down.
As these little hands accomplish many tasks, help Sawyer crawl, pull items out of my cabinets, make huge messes with food all over my floors, smudge my mirrors and windows, I will say, "Thank you for this experience!" It's not just my experience... It's Sawyer's as well. I will use my hands to hold him a little more, for a little longer.
As people told me while I was pregnant with Ely, "Cherish every moment because it goes to fast." I thought, "Ok, I have heard that enough... I get it." But truth be it, you don't get it until you go through it. It's not that I regret the mom that I have been to Amaya and Ely. The only reason I know to hold on to each moment is because I have watched the years go and with no way to control the speed of time.
As people told me while I was pregnant with Ely, "Cherish every moment because it goes to fast." I thought, "Ok, I have heard that enough... I get it." But truth be it, you don't get it until you go through it. It's not that I regret the mom that I have been to Amaya and Ely. The only reason I know to hold on to each moment is because I have watched the years go and with no way to control the speed of time.
Picture taken early this morning. I can't get enough of this trio.
I do know for sure that this time around, I will be making everyday a wonderful experience,